Monday, November 17, 2008


Thank you everyone!!!!

I ran the half marathon in San Antonio yesterday and we met the fundraising goal!

The day started out very early - buses leaving for the start line at 5:45 AM and it was really cold! I was herded into Corral #28 and waited to start. The actuial race started at 7:30 AM after the National Anthem was sung - with many voices in the crowd joining in. At about 8:10 AM, Corral #28 was was released and I started the race. At about mile marker #2, I shed my sweatshirt, gloves and hat as the weather and my body warmed up. This seemed easy so far!

At Mile 3, Richard, Amber, Alexa, Frances and Robert were all there cheering me on. It was a wonderful sight and gave me a burst of energy. Richard snapped photos and the girls ran alongside me a for a bit. What a wonderful feeling! I couldn't stop smiling for the next mile.

By Mile 5, I was slowing just a tad, so I walked just a bit and picked it up again before Mile 6. It seemed like the miles were steadily moving by.

At Mile 7, I felt pretty good, but slowed to a walk as my left knee started to protest. Then I thought of Wally and all of those who were supporting me in this and I stepped it up again. Just before Mile 9, my right foot started to complain. One of my coaches handed me some nutrition and I made it to Mile 9. Then my knee and foot would not stop screaming, so I walked, finding the most even part of the road.

With every step of the rest of the journey, I kept Wally and Frances and all of you supporting me in my mind. I chanted Wally's lesson to me in my mind over and over again - "Never Give Up!" and then a woman passed me and guess what was written on the back of her shirt - Never Give Up.

And suddenly, I was at Mile 12! It was actually overwhelming. My eyes teared up and the people on the side of the road were cheering - "Keep Going! You're almost there!"

And then the finish line was in sight. I could not get this far and walk over the finish line! I ran one more time and smiled all the way through the finish line! Wow - what a feeling! It was exhilarating and emotional and happy and sad all mixed into one.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me, supported me and donated to this cause. It has been an experience of a lifetime that I will never forget. And it is even better knowing that it has and will help others struggling with cancer. Thank you is really not enough to express what I feelfor all of you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Race Day is near and I am in London

It is true - I am in London - on business - and I have not been training as I should - especially with Race Day less than 2 weeks away. With that said, I do believe I can finish the race - of course I will.

Fundraising is going well thanks to so many of you who have joined the fight against cancer. I am almost to my goal of $2,800, but have about $400 to go. If you haven't donated yet - please consider doing so. It will really make a difference in other's lives and it feels good too!

I will leave another update when I am back in the USA.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting Closer...

Well, it is only 5 weeks away to race day. Thanks to all of you who have helped me along the way with both training and fundraising. I am almost there. I really believe I can do this thing. Not that I am a particularly good or fast runner - but I know I can cross the finish line - and that is what it is about, right?

Yesterday was Richard's 40th birthday. It was really kinda bittersweet. He went the cemetary and visited his dad. Needless to say - that was not what he invisioned at the beginning of the year. It is so painful to know that we will not hear him say "Happy Birthday" anymore or join in the chorus when we sing it or put his arms around us in one of his wonderful hugs.

This is why I am doing this - so others do not have to feel this pain and their loved ones do not have to suffer through the battle of cancer.

If you have not donated yet - please take the time to donate anything. Every little bit counts and makes a difference in this fight. I have attached the link again:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

After Ike

As you might have guessed, Hurricane Ike has slowed training a bit. Although I was up and awake by 4:30 that Saturday morning, I decided it would be best to brave the storm from within my home. We were very blessed in that we did not sustain any major damage, but we did have one tree down in the front of the house and our back tree was topped. We have since cleaned up with our neighbors and things are starting to get back to normal. The biggest blessing is that we were only without power for 5 days. Frances, my mother-in-law, and Robert, my brother-in-law, as well as my sister Cathy are still without power. In any case, we are all blessed that so few people were hurt.

So I am beginning to get back on a training schedule. This is pretty important as the race is only 6 weeks away! I feel like I am in the homestretch and I am beginning to imagine how great it will feel to cross that finish line.

The bigger finish line though is my fundraising. I am a little over halfway and still working on raising the remainder. Thank you again to all of you who have joined the fight and made a donation. If you haven't donated yet, please take a moment to think about it. Any amount will contribute to bettering someone's life prognosis and will give them hope.

If you have donated already, please tell others you know about this cause and my website. It will amaze you how many people will relate to this cause. Thank you again for your support in this cause as well. I often look at the website and draw inspiration from all of your generosity!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Well - I recommitted last week. I think that sounds a little funny - so I have to clarify that I have not been committed, although you might think I should have. Rather, I have confirmed my commitment to the LLS cause. I have formally committed once again to raising $2800 and running a half marathon in order to help find a cure for blood cancers. There is no backing out now.

The great news is that I have raised over $1500 already thanks to the support of so many of you!

This has also been a sort of wake up call for my training. I have only 2 1/2 months before the big day. I really need to kick it into gear. So I have to run a minimum of 3 times a week, ever increasing my speed and distance. I am proud to say that I went 7.5 miles on Saturday and I ran over 4 miles of it. That is a personal best for me on the running side of things.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Olympic Inspiration

I just read this timely story and it has provided additional inspiration for me. I thought you would like it too.

Staying Motivated
Today I want to share the story of Louie Bonpua. Louie was diagnosed with Chronic Leukemia in 1997. He joined TNT as an Honored Teammate but decided he wanted to do more. He joined the Triathlon team and completed an event, then continued to train for and complete an Ironman. When asked why he was training for a triathlon, Louie said: "Because I want to show people that you can still live, even when they tell you you're going to die." In 2002 Louie was selected to run in the Olympic Torch Relay. At the time he was very sick and had been told he had only days to live, but he fought to get out of the hospital and carry the Olympic torch. The plan was for his friends to push him in a wheelchair, but to everyone's surprise, in spite of his illness and constant pain, Louie walked on his own and carried the torch for the 0.2 miles. Louie died three days later.

I'm inspired by Louie's fight, his spirit, his determination. I don't want Leukemia, Lymphoma or any other blood cancer to take a person like Louie. So thanks for donating the funds, thanks for supporting the cause, thanks for yelling "Go Team".

Click below to read more about Louie:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Alexa and Papa

I want to share with you a story surrounding Wally's death - one of many - that keeps me motivated to do this run and to raise money for LLS.

Alexa is 7 years old. Her Papa, Wally, has had cancer since before she was born. In her life, his disease is a normal part of life. It has been difficult for her to understand how serious the disease is. What she does know, is that she cannot visit her Papa when she has the sniffles. She understands that it is harder for him to do things like walking than for most people and he cannot run and play with her. She understands that sometimes he has to go to the hospital for medicine. She understands that her hugs help him to feel a little better.

Alexa also knows that her Papa would do anything for her. She loves spending time with him - whether that means watching TV, fishing, eating out or reading. And she loves his teasing and his hugs.

Recently, Papa had to go to the hospital. This time it was more serious. Alexa asked her mom if Papa was going to die and her mom was gently honest that it was a possibility. Because it was so serious, Alexa could not go to the hospital and see Papa or talk to him or give him her "feel better" hugs.

So Alexa took action. She found her "Feel Better Bear" - a hypo-allergenic Build-a-Bear - in her bedroom. Alexa hugged and hugged and hugged the bear - filling it with her love. Then she gave the bear to her mom to take to Papa in the hospital. The bear stayed by Papa's side for 4 days. On the last day, Papa went to heaven.

Alexa was heartbroken. For the next several days, she held the same "Feel Better Bear" close to her heart at all times. On the day of Papa's funeral, she placed the bear in Papa's casket.

The same day, Alexa's sister gave her another "Feel Better Bear" to help Alexa feel better. Alexa named the bear Papa and he goes everywhere with her. Alexa still talks to Papa. Even though she misses him, she tells me that he is here with her and she still feels his love.