Thank you everyone!!!!
I ran the half marathon in San Antonio yesterday and we met the fundraising goal!
The day started out very early - buses leaving for the start line at 5:45 AM and it was really cold! I was herded into Corral #28 and waited to start. The actuial race started at 7:30 AM after the National Anthem was sung - with many voices in the crowd joining in. At about 8:10 AM, Corral #28 was was released and I started the race. At about mile marker #2, I shed my sweatshirt, gloves and hat as the weather and my body warmed up. This seemed easy so far!
At Mile 3, Richard, Amber, Alexa, Frances and Robert were all there cheering me on. It was a wonderful sight and gave me a burst of energy. Richard snapped photos and the girls ran alongside me a for a bit. What a wonderful feeling! I couldn't stop smiling for the next mile.
By Mile 5, I was slowing just a tad, so I walked just a bit and picked it up again before Mile 6. It seemed like the miles were steadily moving by.
At Mile 7, I felt pretty good, but slowed to a walk as my left knee started to protest. Then I thought of Wally and all of those who were supporting me in this and I stepped it up again. Just before Mile 9, my right foot started to complain. One of my coaches handed me some nutrition and I made it to Mile 9. Then my knee and foot would not stop screaming, so I walked, finding the most even part of the road.
With every step of the rest of the journey, I kept Wally and Frances and all of you supporting me in my mind. I chanted Wally's lesson to me in my mind over and over again - "Never Give Up!" and then a woman passed me and guess what was written on the back of her shirt - Never Give Up.
And suddenly, I was at Mile 12! It was actually overwhelming. My eyes teared up and the people on the side of the road were cheering - "Keep Going! You're almost there!"
And then the finish line was in sight. I could not get this far and walk over the finish line! I ran one more time and smiled all the way through the finish line! Wow - what a feeling! It was exhilarating and emotional and happy and sad all mixed into one.
Thank you to everyone who encouraged me, supported me and donated to this cause. It has been an experience of a lifetime that I will never forget. And it is even better knowing that it has and will help others struggling with cancer. Thank you is really not enough to express what I feelfor all of you.